Money Moves


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    In order to unleash our money multiplying superpower there are some practical steps to take. This supplemental guide goes beyond the book, Financial Epiphany, and helps you make money moves on the following four key topics. Haven’t read the book yet? No problem, these are basic steps to take and key points to empower yourself with now.

    Download the Financial Epiphany Money Moves Guide to empower yourself on the following four topics:

    TOPIC #1

    How to Make Your First Investment

    Let’s take a step-by-step approach in putting our money to work.

    TOPIC #2

    Deleting Debt

    Walk through the most effective method to rid your life of debt.

    TOPIC #3

    Friendly Guide To Meeting With A Financial Professional

    Ready yourself for a meeting with a money pro by getting familiar with the preparations and questions to ask.

    TOPIC #4

    How Much Total Should I Save For Retirement?

    Target your retirement number by considering three major ways to triangulate that total amount.

    Enter your name and email below to receive your Money Moves Guide via email.

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      “It’s about time you’ve experienced a personal breakthrough with debt, investing, and multiplying money.”